Payment Initiation Service (PIS)

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Payment Initiation Service (PIS)

What is PIS

Under PSD2, a ‘payment initiation service’ is an online service which accesses a user’s payment account to initiate the transfer of funds on their behalf with the user’s consent and authentication. Payment initiation services provide an alternative to paying online using a credit card or debit card.

API endpoints

Link Resource Endpoints
SEPA Payment SEPA Payment POST /{payment-service}/{payment-product}
GET /{payment-service}/{payment-product}/{paymentId}/status

How does it work?

KBC/CBC has decided to develop its APIs according to the Berlin standards. Terminology used is therefore via this standard.

  • The process begins with a PSU consenting to a payment being made
  • The consent is between the PSU and the PISP
  • The debtor account details must be specified at this stage’
  • The PISP connects to KBC/CBC’s API Gateway and creates a payment-order in accordance with step use agreement
  • This informs KBC/CBC that one of its PSUs intends to make a payment-order
  • KBC/CBC responds with an identifier for the payment-order in accordance with step use agreement, the PaymentId, which is the intent identifier
  • This step is carried out by making a POST request to the payment-order in accordance with step use agreement
  • The PISP requests the PSU to authorize a payment transaction from the designated account
  • The PISP redirects the PSU to the ASPSP
  • The redirect includes the PaymentId generated in the previous step
  • This allows KBC/CBC to correlate the payment order initiation
  • KBC/CBC authenticates the PSU
  • The PSU can consult the payment details to be signed or cancelled
  • KBC/CBC updates the state of the payment order initiation to indicate the payment was authorized
  • Once the payment has been authorized or cancelled, the PSU is redirected back to the PISP
  • The PISP can check the status of the payment Initation by using the paymentID
  • This is carried out by making a GET Status request